Thursday, April 14, 2011

Zucchini Sticks, New Snacks & Payday Spending Plans...

It's been a little while since my last post and yet another busy week. I want to start off by sharing the recipe I mentioned last weekend for the Baked Zucchini Sticks. I made another successful batch this weekend, but they weren't as good as when I made them the first time. I must have added a little extra Romano Cheese that time :)

All in all, these are very easy and a healthy way to get a little bit of crunch into a snack but still get your veggies at the same time.

Thanks to Gina's Skinny Recipes (my favorite healthy cooking blog) for this one:

Baked Zucchini Sticks 
Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes
Servings: 3 • Serving Size: 1 zucchini  Old Points: 1.5 pts (sauce extra) Points+: 3 pts
Calories: 121.9 • Fat: 2.4 • Carbs: 21.0 g • Fiber: 6.0 • Protein: 6.7 g 

  • 3 medium zucchini sliced into 3" x 1/2" sticks
  • 1 large egg white
  • 1/3 cup seasoned whole wheat bread crumbs
  • 2 tbsp grated Pecorino Romano cheese
  • cooking spray
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder
  • salt
  • fresh pepper

Here's a picture of the sticks in progress:

And here is the finished product:

I would have whipped up a quick homemade marinara, but I was already pretty food processor-ed out after my Hummus, so I just used some organic tomato sauce leftover from dinner earlier on in the week.

While I love to try out new recipes and make my own meals a lot of the time, I also have nights (more frequently lately) when I just don't feel up to cooking a full-on dinner. I have found a new love in Lean Cuisine's Thai Chicken (and Garlic Chicken) Spring Rolls. I can pop these things in the oven and they're done within 10-15 minutes and I serve them with a simple salad. Voila! The best part is that my boyfriend LOVES them. He even bought some himself at the store, so you know that he's a big fan :)

A serving of 3 spring rolls is 200 calories, 7g Fat, 10g Protein, 23g Carbohydrates. We also discovered that they are delish with Trader Joe's Roasted Red Pepper soup (the kind in the box, which is AMAZINGGGG). 

Some other great finds of late have been:

Trader Joe's Protein Power Banana Chocolate Chunk Muffins. 130 calories, 2g Fat, 7g Protein, 22g Carbohydrates (great heated up in the mirco for 15 seconds)

Luna Bar, Chocolate Dipped Coconut bars... Heavenly. There is quite a bit of Saturated Fat in this bar (because of the coconut) but so long as you limit your consumption for the rest of the day, it's no biggie. 190 calories, 7g Fat, 4g Saturated Fat, 9g Protein, 25g Carbohydrates

I always have dessert, and these bars do not disappoint. Skinny Cow always does it right, but they have a home-run with their Cookies 'n Cream Truffle Bar. 110 Calories, 2g Fat, 3g Protein, 20g Carbohydrates

I get paid tomorrow (thankfully!) so I'm definitely planning to venture into the shopping world, and I know I'm definitely stopping by Old Navy to check out these dresses (further below) on sale. I can't tell you how many times I've found the most adorable dresses there, and whenever I get complimented on them most people say they would NEVER think they could find such great clothing at Old Navy. Well, you can, it's always affordable, and most of their clothing runs a size larger, so you'll get a confidence boost too!

Pin-tucked Tie-Front Dress $30.00 (Sale)

Embroidered White Sundress $25.00 (Sale)

I'll definitely share if I have any luck in my shopping endeavors or discover any new food finds this weekend. Feel free to share if you have any luck as well! I love getting tips in return from some of you; that's what this is all about :) 


  1. Yum on the zuchinni sp sticks. I have so many recipes I need to try this week. I saw those muffins at TJ'S almost bought them,and I have that Luna bar in my pantry (gotta try it). Man we have good taste in food. lol. Good luck on your shopping adventure tomorrow.

  2. You're right, we do have good taste in food :) You'll LOVE the Luna bar for sure. I was very impressed.

    Thanks for the shopping wishes :D I usually don't have much trouble spending my money! Hopefully I get a lot for what I pay though!
