Friday, April 22, 2011

You'll Go Bananas for this Soft Serve!

This is officially my first time posting twice in one day (and probably my last), but holy moly, I had to share this dessert!

I frequently grab recipes from a blog called 'Oh She Glows', and I recently viewed a recipe for a "Banana Soft Serve" where the only ingredient is frozen banana. Conveniently, I've had a tupperware filled with frozen banana slices sitting in my freezer for over a week now, so it was kind of in fate's hands at that point.

The directions on OSG call for 2-3 bananas, but I just used one medium banana so I would have a serving. The directions also call for running the bananas in a food processor for 5 minutes until smooth, but my janky little guy doesn't have an 'on' button or anything fancy like that, and I didn't feel much like standing holding the chop button for 5 minutes, SO I held it down for 20 second intervals (about 4, scraping the sides each time). Since I only had one banana and I had accepted that a few chunks would add character, I left it at that. Here's what I was working with as far as consistency went:

And here is what it looked like all served up:

But it wouldn't have been complete without just one melted square of Simply Lite Dark Chocolate :)

Oh, and it tasted amazing!! Without the dark chocolate this is completely vegan, so if you wanted to add some chocolate flair without the minimal dairy, you could melt cacao nibs instead. This is so easy and so great. If you've got some brown looking nanners on your counter right now, chop 'em up, throw them in the freezer, and try this tomorrow!


  1. This sounds really good! I'm going to pretend it tastes like Cold Stone's banana ice cream :D

  2. :) I can't make comparisons because I've never had that particular flavor from Cold Stone's... But based on a general understanding that Cold Stone is the pinnacle of ice cream indulgence, I can safely assume it is very tasty! Let me know how this stacks up if you try it! Plus bananas are so cheap right now, they're practically free!

  3. I will be making this ASAP! I have realized that my only downfall with my diet is too much sugar at night, primarily Chocolate. You would have never guessed huh? ;) This sounds like a perfect alternative to satisfy my cravings! Thanks Lins!

  4. :) Kristin's downfall is chocolate?! It is super good. Let me know how you like it. I think you'll really like the post I'm putting up later today on healthier cupcakes! Pretty much life-changing. But on the daily, this is a great dessert that you have no reason to feel guilty about!
