Thursday, June 30, 2011

An Inexpensive Vacation Peppered with Family Tradition

The Fourth of July Weekend is approaching and I'm so excited to vacate town for a couple of days! The bf and I had some options to leave town, but went for an inexpensive trip up with my family to the Hoag Cabin in Mineral, CA. Mineral is tiny. When I say tiny, I mean population 90, and I think that number is inflated :)

The Hoag Family Cabin was constructed in the early 1900's and has been a place to gather ever since. Many of my childhood memories of Summer and Fall surround being at The Cabin. A lot of my friends had fancier places that they went with their families, but our cabin was rustic and authentic. It was a battle just to convince my Grandma "Maga" to even allow a microwave in the place! 

I enjoy taking a walk around the grounds, swinging on the porch swing attached to two pine trees, and reminiscing about "cooking" meals for my dad on the rusted wood stove in the dirt. Pine needles, grass and rocks made up a culinary masterpiece. I would bang on the old hanging pots and yell, "DINNER'S ON. COME GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT!!" until Dad came to claim his plate. I would wait for his gratifying, "Mmmmmmmmmm!" and move along merrily to the next adventure.

This weekend will likely not consist of fake spaghetti, but it will be full of memories, drinks a-plenty, hikes, and Rummy tournaments. Bryce (the bf) beat me last summer, so I can't let that happen again. I am a sore loser, but it's all in good fun. 

I'm all stocked up with s'mores supplies, Heinekens, Salsa, Vodka, Tonic Water, Skinny Girl Margaritas, Patriotic Flair (oh yes), and a new recipe for Red, White & Blueberry Trifle. All in all, breathing the fresh mountain air and catching up with the ones that I love will bring a lot of peace to my racing mind. 

Enjoy your Holiday Weekend! 


  1. It's so rare to go somewhere nowadays with a lack of technology and family qt - makes you appreciate the simple aspects of life. I think you'll be happy with your decision :) Have fun!

  2. Thanks Rosarita! I am SO ready to leave town in the morning so that I can embark on a re-acquaintance with nature and QT with the fam! I hope you have a great weekend as well!
